Randy Grey visited and provided the entertainment for the January monthly birthday party. Birthday cake and ice cream were served and special recognition was given to Austin Bauer, Richard Bliskis and Alan Gooding. There was a large group in attendance during the magazine reading program where everyone voiced their opinions. The “What If” program was scheduled once again for residents who were not able to attend the first one. They spoke into a microphone and answered questions about their personal life stories. Everyone was willing to share and had a few laughs as well.
Bingo was held three times during the week with several lucky winners. Viking chess had several participants. Laughter could be heard when the King was knocked down at the beginning of the game, as he is supposed to linger on till the very last. Hoya Cards was great fun for all the card players. The macramé craft proved a little challenging, but everyone pitched in and the end results were perfect.
Sybil and Remy visited and residents enjoyed the pet therapy. The Christmas decorations are packed away for another year, with the exception of the outdoor display which appears to be frozen solid during the extreme cold weather we have been experiencing. Wii Bowling had many players. The Bubbleheads raced three times during the program. Table hockey is also a fun game everyone likes to play. Music Connections with Jess had residents singing along as they shook their maracas. Francis Bell read the history of the musical instrument called a kazoo to a group of residents.
The snack monster game is new and residents played the game and enjoyed shortbread cookies afterwards. A small group of residents gathered after dinner for a game of snakes and ladders. David Skipper visited and gave communion to residents of the catholic faith. Everyone had a great time at the Fifties theme party. The Root beer floats were delicious. Johnny Borton entertained everyone with his singing while playing the keyboard. Residents are hoping he returns soon as he played many of their favourite songs.
Residents are busy using the Nu-Step cross-trainers as well as walking exercises during the physiotherapy programs. The Heartbeats group gathered in the activity area for their exercising program involving fast-beat music. Jeremy Smith entertained residents with his musical program. Residents appreciate their one-one-one visits. They are able to catch up on the local news from the various newspapers. Two groups of 8 players had a great time playing the Mexican Train game. The Drumfit activity was held with several residents beating away on the drums provided as the music played in the background. Everyone looks forward to the Tuck cart going around the building. Residents are able to purchase a large variety of items they need.
John Carter gave communion to residents of the Catholic faith. Reminiscing time had residents talking about cars, movies and weather back years ago, and other things they witnessed in their lives. Hot beverages and snacks were served. The Family Camp movie was viewed in the dining area. Everyone thought it was hilarious.
Voting has started for the King and Queen of Hearts. The crowning will be on February 13th during the Elegant Dinner. Residents always look forward to the special dinner held yearly. Crystal St. Denis is providing the entertainment for the party and dinner. Special thanks is given to the anonymous family member who graciously donated money to thank all the staff for the compassionate care given to their loved one. Long time resident J.D. O’Hara passed away today. Condolences are extended to his family and friends.