Babcock Community Care Centre News – May 25, 2024

Residents enjoyed a visit from Remy the dog and the owner, Sybil. During the day residents worked at making folk art flowers. Others had fun playing Bean Bag Toss, and you could hear the many giggles as they aimed for the target. Later in the evening everyone watched the movie “Top Gun.” Music Connections with Jess had residents participating in a sing-a-long. Jeremy Smith provided musical entertainment. He sang Happy Birthday to residents celebrating their special day.

The new outdoor large-size Connect Four game is very popular with everyone, and other games such as sling hockey, Euchre, Scrabble and Bingo are also favourites. Thank you to the family members and anyone else who donated extra cash for the Bingo games. Poke-a-flower went over very well. They used plastic cups and punched holes in them for the design. The Women’s club gathered in the activity room to prepare a variety of smoothies with the newly purchased ice machine to enjoy during their meeting.

The Media machine was set up in the dining area for residents to play the game of their choice. The Physiotherapist from the local hospital visited and provided physiotherapy to those residents in need. The local Mennonite group choir visited and entertained residents with their beautiful voices singing spiritual wellness songs. Residents gathered in the activity area to once again paint their designs on silk scarves. The end results were amazing and they could keep the finished product or gift it.  Social hour on a Sunday afternoon had residents, friends and family members indulging in Mocktails, fresh strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, pineapple and blackberries, along with cheese and crackers.

Spring Fling, formerly known as the Elegant Dinner, was a busy day for everyone. The primping and pampering started at 10 am, make-up, manicures along with nail polish was applied, with some having hand massages as well. Residents enjoyed all of it. Residents were dressed for the occasion, many wearing the silk scarves they had designed. The photo booth proved to be a great hit. Residents had a chance to have their picture taken with anyone of their choice including family members and friends.  The dining area was decorated for the dinner displaying brightly coloured table cloths, along with matching utensils and dishes.  The Dietary department cooked up a delicious meal. The wine glasses were distributed along with several choices of spirit free wine. Crystal St .Denis and her twins visited and provided the musical program for the event. Vance Blackmore, hairdresser, made sure all the ladies had their hair all done to perfection for the occasion. This event is scheduled once yearly and everyone looks forward to it.

Randy Grey provided the entertainment for the monthly birthday party. Congratulations to the following residents who celebrate their special day in May: Tom Moorby, Judith Winter, Albertine Letourneau, Ruth Gibson, Bertha Postman and Hilda Blackhall. Everyone was served cake and ice cream. Residents cast their votes in the Activity area for the Provincial election. Residents appreciate the walking program outdoors where they are assisted to tour around the streets in the village, stopping to talk to whoever comes across their path. Residents of the Catholic faith appreciate Ted Quenneville, John Carter, Mary Lou DePelsmaeker and Dave Skipper giving communion at different times throughout the month.   

Drum-fit was set up and several residents attended. They had great fun trying to keep up the beat with the music in the background while they played the drums. The Tuck cart made its way around the home for residents wanting to purchase items from the great selection. Wanda Hazelwood, storyteller, and friends visited and provided a lovely service along with music. Everyone enjoys her visit.

Nursing week was celebrated in May with a special dinner purchased from Subway for all staff. We would like to thank you for your unwavering commitment to resident well-being and let you know your exceptional care and kindness have not gone unnoticed. Happy Nurses Week!

Mark your calendar for the strawberry social held on June 24th between 6pm to 8 pm outdoors weather permitting. Crystal St. Denis will be providing the musical entertainment. Babcock Community Care welcomes their newest resident, Judy Winter.

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