Babcock Community Care Centre News – August 27, 2024

The Goldies group visited and entertained residents with their musical program. Gayle, Larry and David had residents and staff dancing to many of their favourite songs. The new move and groove camp fire song activity was a huge hit with everyone. They not only sing along to the music but do the actions as well to each song. Pool noodles were used in the movement part of the program. The songs “Sixteen Tons” and “Big John” brought back a lot of good memories.

Pet therapy had Sybil bringing in her dog Remy for a visit. The Book Club gathered to listen to Frances Bell read heart warming stories. Mary Lou DePelsmaeker gave Rosary to residents of the Catholic faith. Everyone had a fun time cutting out elephants and attaching them to sticks on craft day. The Mystery party had residents playing the jelly bean game wearing a blindfold. Residents also tried drawing a picture while blind folded and mystery prizes were awarded. Drumfit had a large group in attendance as well as family members.

Everyone is excited about the Zoo 2 You exotic animal show coming to the Home on September 12th from 1:30 pm To 2:30 pm. Mark your calendar for Resident Council Week September 16th -22nd. Grandparent’s Day is being celebrated on Sunday, September 8th with a wine and cheese party. Residents appreciate the activity department handing out ice cold popsicles during the hot spells we have been experiencing. Outdoor walks are ongoing as weather permits.

Socrates Cafe was set up in the activity room where Frances Bell and Sharron took turns reading from the books Vinyl Cafe and Chicken Soup for the Soul. They also read articles from a few of the local newspapers. Residents really are very competitive as they play games such as Hoya Cards, Connect 4, Magnetic fishing, dice games, bingo and word puzzles. Reverend Deb Dolbear-VanBilsen held worship services for those residents wanting to attend. The Faith Haven choir visited and entertained residents with their beautiful singing voices. Everyone really enjoys their visit.

Radio day was hosted by Mary Wootton. She read stories from the 1950’s and 1960’s, jokes from the past and quotes, and a few of Groucho Marx famous quotes. The Heartbeat Club had a great turnout as they exercised to some fast-paced music. The Nu-Step cross trainers are always busy in the Activity area overlooking the patio, as residents are exercising. Randy Grey and his granddaughter entertained residents at the monthly birthday party. Cake and ice-cream were served at the party.

Residents participated in the new Horizon Painting program. They used lots of bright colours. Music Connections had residents singing along to a variety of hymns as well as songs from the past. The Peach Pie Social was enjoyed by everyone. More details will be posted in next week news. Babcock Community Care welcomes Norm Courts and Vera Berencsi as their newest residents. Residents will be boarding the bus to head to the Chatham Wal-Mart for the day on September 10th. Everyone enjoys shopping!

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